Last week Celeste Barrick passed away. She has been sick for awhile but I had no idea that she was so close to death. She got pneumonia and then blood poisoning and her body just shut down. Saturday we went to her funeral. It was a great spiritual experience. The girls gave loving memorials to their mom. It was a reminder to me of how life is precious. I know it will be hard for her children, especially for Savannah and Anikan who are still young and in school. I always feel for families where the mother or father dies and there are still young children or teenagers. I have been there... I know how hard it is
Celeste's death was a reminder of how precious life is. She was a good woman, a good mother, a good wife. She wasn't perfect but she lived a good life and she was an example to me of trying your hardest... of working and working and working. She never stopped. She loved her family. She was devoted to her husband. She lived the gospel. I hope that I can remember and follow such an example. I am glad to have known her! I hope that I can be supportive for her family and not forget that they will need encouragement and love.
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