Monday, October 17, 2011


We had our first Sunday get-together for the Cedar Fontanos tonight.  We met for dinner and then a lesson/activity.  I felt good about it although got some complaints that it was long... too bad Grandpa!
We had some fun talking about why each person was special.  I think G-pa was just ornery about it cause he, being the oldest, was the last one in the special seat and so he had to wait awhile to hear some good comments about himself! It was fun to hear nice comments and observations made about each member of the family and how they are doing.  I also liked that the younger set found good things to say about each other!  We plan to do this once a month, on the third Sunday... I hope it works.
On another note, I heard Saturday that my New Harmony neighbor Martha Coe on 3430 passed away.  She is just a year or so older than me and was such an active woman.  I have great memories of the time that we lived by each other... we were good friends and I have missed her.  We had a lot in common at the time.  We both had children in the same age range and we had both had 8 children.  She was a great example to me of enthusiasm and hard work.  I am remembering that we served together as activity day leaders.  I know she had such a loving and giving personality and I loved being around her.  We did a lot of family things and she and Bill were always so good to our children. 
I was mentioning to Laura on the phone tonight that her passing makes three of my very best friends now have died... Ellie Grover, Shanna Reed and Martha Coe.  All three were what I would call kindred spirits.  I just loved them and they were just natural friends who I felt I could share anything with.  I haven't had a lot of friends like that in my life.  Glad for them and their influence for good.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for last night Mom- It was fun and good to be together again. Things have been crazy for the last year or so and it was nice to just hang out again. Looking forward to next month.
