Tomorrow, Sunday October 7th, I will finish reading the Book of Mormon. I have read the Book of Mormon many times and about 9 times since 2002. That year I was in the Relief Society Presidency and I made up a chart that I used to encourage the sisters to do a summer read-a-thon. I completed my reading that summer by filling out the chart and have filled out the same chart for all of these times since marking a notch for each additional reading. This time however I have been reading on the Kindle and so I got a new chart... I just checked on my old yellow chart and this was my 10th reading. I am pleased that I have been able to do that. I will take breaks in between or read the D&C or other scripture and that is good but I always feel best when I am reading in the Book of Mormon and I like it when I read several chapters a day so that I get some fluency. I wish I could say that I know it so well now but I don't and actually I don't know that I need to because I feel it is the spirit of the book that makes such a difference in my life. I love the doctrine and I learn more each time, but the spirit whispers comfort and guidance to me each time I read it. I do not know what I would do without the blessing of the scriptures.
This morning I listened to the first session of the 182nd semi annual conference of the church. It was an especially wonderful session. President Monson announced that missionaries would be able to leave a 18 for men and 19 for women. Having just served in the university stake I see such wisdom in that. So many of these kids are drifting during that year and this will help them just get ready and go. I remember my boys - Jim, John, Pete and Mike all went shortly after the graduated and I guess Dave did also (within 6 months) and they just planned on their missions after graduation. I don't know Jay's feelings, I know he had a year of college before he went because his birthday was in July but I think he would have been ready and willing to go.
Brother Bowen talked on loss of a loved one and it was a special talk - I think because of Richard's recent passing and my heart being tender toward Susan at this time. I am sure his talk gave her comfort. Also Sister Dibb talked about the young woman she met with a tee shirt that said :"I'm a Mormon - are you?" and she created a statement: I'm a Mormon - I know it, I live it, I love it. It was a great talk. Also a talk on the Holy Ghost was amazing as well as talks by Elder Nelson, Elder (can't remember his name but I can see his face, and President Ukhdorf who spoke on no regrets - love life, live for others etc. All were so good - look forward to the next sessions!
Great stuff Mom- I often feel like that year was a waste for me. Would have loved to get out of school and go. Though what little money I saved, if any, was done during that year. I think the whole focus of a young man can be changed now because it's no longer going to be something to think about after high school, but rather something you have to work on now because there won't be time after high school. Of course for our boys they'll be 18 before senior year so it won't change much for them. Unless we homeschool em quick and get them done early.