Sunday, September 8, 2013

I have been writing a Tender Mercies account and want to add this to my blog... 

August 20, 2013
I am going to try to write down some of the things happening that I recognize as Tender Mercies…  I feel so blessed but often I forget to recognize the reasons why.  So here goes…
1.     Today Ellie Grover’s Sister, Janet, came into the Washington Café.   I was able to talk to her and reminisce about Ellie and learn some things about the kids and how they are doing.  Ellie was my dear friend – a kindred spirit.  She passed away about 18 years ago but I still remember her as if it were yesterday.  A true blessing in my life and I was glad to remember her with her dear sister.

2.     Also Mike and Liana were here for a couple of days and it was such a joy to be with them.  Mike is such a dear soul and he tries so hard to do thoughtful things, not just for Jim and me but for all of his siblings.  They went all the way to Tremonton to see Laura and family, then to Cedar to see John, Jay, and Dave and families, then down here to Washington to visit with Amy and us and finally will go see Jim Clo and kids before heading up to Carson.  Was delightful to spend time with them.

August 21, 2013
Today Peter called.  I guess he was on his way home from work.  What a special gift that was.  I don’t talk often with Pete anymore and of course I haven’t seen him or his family since last Thanksgiving so this was such a blessing to me to spend a few minutes on the phone with him.  He also sent a picture of Ollie who had met him at the car… I guess we have another little handsome man in our family!

August 25, 2013
Well, I haven’t been too good about writing my Tender Mercies this week like I had hoped.  But I am going to go back a few days and share some thoughts that I forgot to write down.
1.     On Tuesday night (Aug. 20th) we served our first night on the Tuesday, late shift at the temple.  It was a delight and both Jim and I felt so welcomed.  Our new shift coordinators for that night are the Rackers.  They were warm and welcoming.  It was not like going the first time on Saturday – we think that is because we were prepared and had confidence so we were open to the other ordinance workers and were not apprehensive or doubtful about being there... we felt we belonged.  We also felt like they were very, very nice people and went out of their way to say hello.

2.     Since Tuesday, we served again on Friday night at the temple.  It was so full and evidentally they set a record for endowments on a shift of over 700 endowments. However, I understand that Saturday mid-shift did over 900 so the record was broken again.  The temple is so busy right now because we are closing for the next 3 weeks but also because of the new film.  The new film is outstanding and full of emotion.  I had the thought that I wish some youth who might be struggling with their testimonies could see Satan as we see him in this film.  He is cunning and changeable.  He wins over Eve by being convincing and then turns on her immediately after she has partaken of the fruit.  The portrayal is just like Satan really is and you can easily recognize that you would not want to spend any time with him – that you would naturally want to choose the right.

3.     Saturday we went to the Bear Paw and had breakfast.  It gave us some good ideas for serving breakfast when we move the restaurant to De-De’s space.  We know we want to have fresh-squeezed orange and grapefruit juice.  We also want fresh hash browns like they served at the Bear Paw.  I am also thinking that their Eggs Benedict were wonderful and they used tomatoes on them.  Also would like to serve our French toast but maybe with a twist like with Cinnamon toast or rolls like they have at Kneaders and the Kneaders syrup.  Also, Laura mentioned to me about some delicious cinnamon rolls that she just made without yeast, which I want to try as well.  Jim made some gingerbread with vanilla cream sauce tonight which was delicious and several weeks ago he made it with lemon sauce – we could offer both of those and perhaps bread pudding with vanilla sauce too.  That would of course be for dinner dessert.  Why do I call this a tender mercy- hey good food is always a tender mercy!

4.     Today is Sunday.  We attended our meetings and then interviewed with Bishop Lee for a calling as Shepherds for the 19-30 year olds that have been lost on the records…  We are looking forward to it.  It is always a stretch to deal with in-actives but our hope is to encourage them to attend their meetings whether they are in the YSA ward or in the family ward.

5.     One more thing – the Stake RS had a fireside tonight.  Sister Bundy is the Stake RS President – she is in the Washington 1st ward.  I was delighted to note that she used her Presidency to deliver the talks for the firesides as well as giving a wonderful address herself.  I have recently been reading Sheri Dew’s book, No Doubt About It, and recognized a number of comments that came from that book.  It made me laugh because I have thought to myself while reading the book that if I had to give a talk any time in the future I would go to that book and use it.  Well she beat me to it!  It was a good meeting and another thing I noticed was that I recognized members of my new ward sitting in the audience and although I wasn’t sitting by them, I felt like I belonged to them and that was a good feeling.

6.     One last thing, I think we have a great Bishop… Phillip Lee.  He is a humble and kind man and I have enjoyed meeting with him both today and when we first moved here.  He has a sweet manner and I already know he is a great leader.

August 26, 2013
I received this note from Jim this morning… another tender mercy for me and for (lil)Jim:
Thanks for the note Mom. I wanted to share one of my tender mercies with you. As you remember, back in November I tried to secure Grandpa Jim's name for his temple work, only to discover that it had been released to the Temple file. I talked to people at the FH Library and the Temple and was told that once it was in the Temple file, that was it--I could monitor it from afar. I wasn't happy with the outcome, but I was motivated to find other family members that I could make sure the work was being done for, and I identified about 70 different people. We have been slowly working through those names--most recently on Friday night Clayton was baptized and confirmed for 6 new Griffin relatives.

On Saturday I went to the 5:30 a.m. session to participate in an endowment (I hadn't seen the new presentation yet), and after I came home thought I'd log into my FamilySearch page and see what had been done with the names I'd given to you. I noted that someone had just done a bunch of male initiatories earlier in the week (thank you to whomever did that). I also discovered that, back in July, Marien had inadvertently (with her mom's help) deleted the relationship between you and your mother, and deleted Arthur Hellberg as a person. I was able to put that back in the proper order, so that was good, too.

Well, that's a lot of background for my little miracle. I started to look for some other names, and the available-ordinances icon was highlighted next to Grandpa's entry. I assumed it was for his sealing to Marie, but I clicked it anyway, and the endowment and sealing-to-parents ordinances were listed as available. I quickly reserved them. I'm not sure what caused the change--I looked and found several others that were still listed as reserved by the Temple system (and didn't find any others that were previously reserved but now released). I count it as a tender mercy. If it's OK, I'd like to do the endowment, but thought either I could come to St. George (or one of the brothers could do it) for his sealing, with you and Dad acting as proxies for your grandparents.

Congrats on the new shifts. Sounds like you're busy. I was just released from my shift on the 17th. I'll miss it, but Clorinda and I will go back after the kids are grown up and we have time we can both commit to.

I love you.
August 27, 2013
I have just finished reading two chapters in Numbers of the Old Testament and listening to a conference talk by Elder Oaks from the October 2006 General Conference where he talks about lifting up the heavy laden.  Every day now I do this… I read 2 chapters of scripture and at least one conference talk.  I have done this for at least a year.  What great joy this brings me and what an influence it has in my outlook of life.  The other night, Jim mentioned to me that attending the temple as an ordinance worker and mingling with other Brothers and Sisters doing the same, makes him want to be a better person.  I agree, and would add that my devotional time also softens my heart and helps me want to be better and do better.  This is a tender mercy.  It has been available to me all my life but I have not always taken the time to study the words of the prophets… having my little Kindle has brought me such joy and such a desire to do and to be better.
August 30, 2013
I believe today marked the beginning of better business at the Washington LBH.  Amy and I were working alone (scary I know).  I ran to the store to get some vanilla and some lettuce (Costco).  Upon retuning I found a busy group in the restaurant and more coming, and coming, and coming.  I am not the smarted waitress around but I had to step up to it because Amy was cooking.  We ended up having a $330 lunch which exceeds most of the days we have had since June with usually 2 cooks an 2 waitresses…  It was hectic and we were both sweating but we pretty much made it.  I contribute this to a complimentary article in the Entertainment section of the newspaper that a lady, who visited with her mother several days ago, wrote.  Unfortunately, we did not know the article was coming our and although we have other servers and cooks they are all in school.  Amy is hiring a couple of fellows today which will help us get things covered and she can help with the waitressing and serving.  Anyway, as difficult as the day was (and we made another $420 in the evening) it was indeed a tender mercy and we hope will bring more people in daily.
August 31, 2013
I just read a great Conference talk given by M. Russell Ballard in the October 2006 conference.  O Be Wise.  He talks about ways to direct our lives and our service in the church to be more effective both for our own benefit and for the benefit of those we serve and work with.  Very appropriate information including 6 steps he encouraged:
First:  focus on people and principles – not on programs
Second:  be innovative (seek the inspiration of the Spirit to solve problems in ways that will best help the people we can serve).
Third: divide the work and delegate responsibility… there is a difference between getting the work done and doing the work yourself.
Fourth:  eliminate guilt.  As mortals we simply cannot do everything at once, therefore we must do all things “in wisdom and order.”
Fifth:  we need to thoughtfully allocate our resources of time, income and energy.  No matter what your family needs are or your responsibilities in the Church, there is no such thing as “done.”  There will always be more we can do…(but we need to be wise about how we go about doing ).
Sixth:  a word to leaders about extending responsibilities to members and especially to recent converts.  Everyone needs a responsibility…  What is most important in our Church responsibilities is not the statistics that are reported or the meetings that are held but whether or not individual people – ministered to one at a time just as the Savior did – have been lifted and encouraged and ultimately changed.
We must be wise with our families… wise in fulfilling our church callings…wise with our time…wise in balancing all of our responsibilities.
O be wise; what can I say more.  (Jacob 6:12)
September 4, 2013
Continuing Jim’s Tender Mercy story connected with my Dad
So, I was able to go to the Temple yesterday for Grandpa Jim. I thought I'd share my journal entry on my experience (though I'm not sure it does it justice):

I want to share an experience from today. By way of introduction, let me share what I sent to my mom earlier this week:
Thanks for the note Mom. I wanted to share one of my tender mercies with you. As you remember, back in November I tried to secure Grandpa Jim's name for his temple work, only to discover that it had been released to the Temple file. I talked to people at the FH Library and the Temple and was told that once it was in the Temple file, that was it--I could monitor it from afar. I wasn't happy with the outcome, but I was motivated to find other family members that I could make sure the work was being done for, and I identified about 70 different people. We have been slowly working through those names--most recently on Friday night Clayton was baptized and confirmed for 6 new Griffin relatives.

On Saturday I went to the 5:30 a.m. session to participate in an endowment (I hadn't seen the new presentation yet), and after I came home thought I'd log into my FamilySearch page and see what had been done with the names I'd given to you. I noted that someone had just done a bunch of male initiatories earlier in the week (thank you to whomever did that). I also discovered that, back in July, Marien had inadvertently (with her mom's help) deleted the relationship between you and your mother, and deleted Arthur Hellberg as a person. I was able to put that back in the proper order, so that was good, too.

Well, that's a lot of background for my little miracle. I started to look for some other names, and the available-ordinances icon was highlighted next to Grandpa's entry. I assumed it was for his sealing to Marie, but I clicked it anyway, and the endowment and sealing-to-parents ordinances were listed as available. I quickly reserved them. I'm not sure what caused the change--I looked and found several others that were still listed as reserved by the Temple system (and didn't find any others that were previously reserved but now released). I count it as a tender mercy. If it's OK, I'd like to do the endowment, but thought either I could come to St. George (or one of the brothers could do it) for his sealing, with you and Dad acting as proxies for your grandparents.
So today I went to the Temple for Day Cook and Julie Stanley. They're both headed out on missions in the next couple of months. Although I'd arrived in plenty of time for the 11:30 session, when I walked in I was told that there was no room in the session and I needed to sit on the other side--I would be waiting for the 12:30 session. This was a disheartening result, but I went to Julie and Day and told them I was proud of them. Surprisingly to me, several members went and pleaded my case to the 1st Counselor in the Temple Presidency. Several minutes later, Brother Malone (who was my shift coordinator for the last year of my shift) came and put his arm on my shoulder. He was officiating our session, and he asked me to come and talk with him He then told me that a "spot had come available" and that I could go on the 11:30 session. I wasn't sure what had happened, but when it was time for the veil, Sister Gebs came in to present at the veil. I hadn't noticed that she wasn't in the session. She had volunteered her seat so that I could go through, because she knew what relationship I had with those two kids. I was so very moved by her compassion.

The session was perhaps the single most moving experience I've ever had in the Temple. I was able to take Grandpa Jim through so he could receive his endowment. I kept reflecting on the remarkable circumstances that brought me to that point. I have no idea how his name ended up being released by the temple system, but it was. I though about him throughout the session, remembering particularly when we would visit him and Grandma Marie in their home in San Leandro, and he would take me (and probably John and Pete) down to the clubhouse to play shuffleboard or putt on the greens. As he grew older, we wouldn't get out on our visits, but he was always kind and generous towards me. I remembered how he and Grandma Marie would call each other "Mac", and how intrigued I was by that. I love him dearly. I believe that as a result of that relationship, the endowment session was much more personal to me. I realized that my grandpa was going through the Temple. At the veil I was nearly overcome with the emotion of standing as his proxy as he conversed with the Lord. The words had remarkable meaning to me as I realized those covenants that he was making had a direct impact on me, personally, as his posterity. Later, in the dressing room, Brother Malone grabbed me and (jokingly) told me that I wasn't allowed to be emotional at the veil. He was presenting two stations away and said that he could feel the emotion from me. I was able to share with him the miracle of being able to be there for Grandpa Jim.

Right before Lehi is able to partake of the fruit of the tree, he says that he was praying that the Lord "would have mercy [upon him], according to the multitude of his tender mercies." I had not been pleading for the tender mercies that were granted to me. I am certainly not worthy of them, but I was truly blessed by them.

That is all. Hope you guys are doing well. I love you.

Wow, this is a wonderful story and such a great blessing to me to have my Dad’s endowment finally completed.  I have had his picture come up in my dresser and in my jewelry box and several other places over the last year or so.  I knew this was a message to me to get this work done, but then Jim told me that his paperwork had gone into the church system.  I feel so blessed that Jim was able to participate in this endowment and even more so because I too now realize that my father has been given the opportunity to accept this work.  I look forward to being sealed to him and to my mother.

September 8, 2013
I am stretching hard for a tender mercy today.  I know I should have one hanging on here but I find that I have wonderful weeks of gifts like above and then I seem to go into a hard time when I feel overwhelmed and a bit unhappy.  So I am going to work at turning my unhappiness into a positive.  I don’t know if everyone does this but I seem to.  In my low periods I find that I would just like to veg and not go anywhere or talk to anyone.  So here is the mercy – going to the temple each week forces me to do something that I can’t get out of and therefore as I attend and complete my calling, I am blessed.  I feel better, I feel loved, I feel accomplished and I know I am a daughter of God. 
I was going to complain about being new in my ward and watching as no one talks to me or gets excited when they see me.  I hate that… but then I remembered that today my friend Sharon talked to me and remembered that we met in the Laundromat and had a nice visit.  She is all alone and I am sure she could use me as a friend.  My neighbor Linda signaled to me and asked me to sit by her in Relief Society and although she might not be my choice for a best friend, she is a very nice lady and is welcoming.  And my friend from the temple, Sandra, came and sat by us in Relief Society and she has been so welcoming and has made sure I meet people and has volunteered to take me to the Stake RS Conference etc. 
So there you go… I might not know everyone, and some people may not care if they know me or not, but there are certainly sisters that have gone out of their way to be kind to the new girl on the block.  Now I  need to follow their lead and look for other sisters in the same circumstance as I am. 
Deuteronomy – here is another tender mercy.  I am now in Deuteronomy in the Old Testament.  It is a great book!  It summarizes all the things Moses dealt with as he discussed them in the earlier books but doesn’t go into all the detail!  I love it and because I am also reading the Institute manual at the same time I am learning more about some of the things that went on with the Israelites and why.  Like I was having a very hard time with the fact that the Lord would have the Israelites kill a whole group of people including the women and children but then studying in the manual I read that these people were very, very evil – like unto Sodom and Gomorrah and therefore they needed to be wiped out so that the Israelites would not be influenced  by or intermarry with them.  So as I was reading earlier in the Old Testament I thought there was no answer to my questions and I prayed that I would beable to come to terms with this… then in reading in Deuteronomy I read about it again and then in the study guide it explained.  I was grateful because I had faith that the Lord would answer my questions and he did!  Awesome. 

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