Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mike the Man

I received these thoughts from Mike after I wrote about Elder Cooke's thoughts.  I appreciate his concerns and insights.  Start from the bottom up...
I found this quote and it may just be what I was needing to see.

“These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.”

-Thomas Paine
He wrote this in December 1776, a few months after the Declaration of Independence and after the 20,000 US soldiers were reduced to 2,000.  A few died but most had left because their contract was up and felt justified leaving with the doubts from George Washington's army being unsuccessful up to that point.  Paine pondered those circumstances and wrote this on the head of a drum.   He wrote more than this and I'm sure it's worthy of quotation, but I needed this quote in particular.  I heard it on the Glenn Beck show today and felt it was heaven talking to me.  I have taken lightly the liberty and benefits of our country, it has been given to me and I haven't had to truly pay for it.  I think the principle applies to much of what we have talked about this week in paying the price to read and study the scriptures and in becoming a true disciple of Christ. 
I am fearful.  I hope I can live up to the task -both in liberty and in the Gospel.  This may the turning point of my life.  This may be divine providence -God allowing certain things to take place to try men's souls, to cause them to rise above the failure that is in their hearts.  I wished for men to make the right decisions, but I believe God must now compel us to be humble.  
I have to go to class, but I wanted  to share this with you.  
Mike (again)  

On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Michael Fontano <> wrote:
I thought I understood hearts failing until last night.  Honestly, I can't believe we are destroying ourselves.  I guess I have to think that the church is still true in Europe.  How could this stuff happen.  The strange thing is that I felt so amazing about Romney and felt all was going to be good -perhaps the feeling was more about things being okay in the long run.  Time will surely tell, but I can't help but think your email came as a preemptive strike against this confusion. 

I was glad to see Chris Stewart won as did your Governor.  I can't believe the State of Nevada though, although Dean Heller did get elected to the senate, so that's a silver lining.  I'm sure you really don't want to have a political conversation, but my life appears to be in conflict today. 

Talk to you later,


On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Kathleen Fontano <> wrote:
Mike:  I love you so much!

From: Michael Fontano <>
To: Kathleen Fontano <>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2012 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: Dear Family

I wish I had something profound to say other than thank you, but it seems fitting to me to say.  I appreciate this email and even though I thought "she's not talking to me", I think it all applies.  I have had a goal to do what you're doing -reading the scriptures and conference reports everyday- but continue to put lesser things above them.  Everything else you have said really is speaking to me.  Your review of Elder Cook's talk was such a great lesson on the need to review them intently.  I watched it but don't think I recalled much of what he said (of the years and years of conference talks I've heard I wonder how much I am really missing.) 
I think that it is so relevant to these times.  I'm often awakened to the prophesy of D&C 88:91, that "...surely, men's hearts shall fail them..."  I can see it in the world around us, but perhaps more in my own life and thoughts.  This talk is an antidote to those doubts.  I yelled at the kids on the bus the other day and ended up feeling really bad about it.  It was on a Friday and I decided I needed to ask them to forgive me for my actions.  I spent the entire weekend wrestling with the idea that I didn't need to really ask them to forgive me, I mean I was the authority and blah, blah, blah.  I have no doubt a 33 year old should have this lesson down, but I don't.  I fought against myself for quite a while.  I ended up doing it and I was so amazed at the feelings of peace that came into my heart.  Then this girl said it wasn't a big deal and that she wasn't upset by what I had done and she forgave me.  The thing is that it was really one kid that was upset and made it known that I was rude -he was the one not forgiving me after I apologized.  This girl telling me she forgave me, even though she said it wasn't a big deal, helped me to keep working on this other kid. 
This is kind of a ramble but I became aware of the fact that I haven't really had the Holy Ghost with me.  I have been lazy in spiritual things and have failed my wife in many ways.  I thought I was amazingly patient too, then I got married. 
Thanks again for the letter, so for the somewhat random thoughts here.  I guess I wanted to let you know that perhaps the feelings you had to write this were for me and me alone.  So I appreciate you not making me feel so isolated as to bring in the rest of the family for my sensitive feelings. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Can You Feel So Now?

November 4, 2012
Every once in a while I do something smart.  This last few weeks I have been using my Kindle to study the New Testament every day and in the last few days discovered I could "listen and read" at the same time on my Kindle.  It has been so enjoyable as I have been read and hear the words of the reader as well.  I finished the Book of Mormon again a few weeks ago and used the Kindle then but didn't know that I could also "listen.”  This has been wonderful!  I can't wait to start the Book of Mormon again and this time use this method!

Along with the scriptures I also have been reading at least one conference talk every day.  I started with April 2012 and have just gone into this last conference talks.  I then discovered that I could "watch" conference which is awesome, but I love the "listen and read" method because I can hear the words (spoken by the speakers) and read and underline special passages.  It is like having a bit of the spirit of Conference with me everyday. 

This brings me to what I wanted to talk to all of you about and encourage you to re-read, watch or listen to Elder Quintin L. Cook's talk on Saturday morning's session.  He talks about feeling the “redeeming love” as Alma proclaimed in his one of his verses:  “If ye have experience a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?”

Elder Cook states that with all we have received in this dispensation-including the Restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the outpouring of spiritual gifts, and the indisputable blessings of heaven – Alma’s challenge has never been more important.

It is not surprising that some in the Church believe they can’t answer Alma’s question with a resounding yes. They do not “feel so now.” They feel they are in a spiritual drought. Others are angry, hurt, or disillusioned. If these descriptions apply to you, it is important to evaluate why you cannot “feel so now.”

I think I see in several of you some discouragement and I can feel that you are struggling.  I wish I knew how to help you.  I do not know that you want my advice but I want you to know of my concern and my love for you as I watch you work out these challenges of your life. 

So here is some of the wisdom I drew from this talk and some of Elder Cook’s counsel in helping us to “feel so now” that I just wanted to point out: 

1.     Immersion in the SCRIPTURES is essential for spiritual nourishment.8 The word of God inspires commitment and acts as a healing balm for hurt feelings, anger, or disillusionment.9
2.     When our commitment is diminished for any reason, part of the solution is REPENTANCE.10 Commitment and repentance are closely intertwined.  Many who are in a spiritual drought and lack commitment have not necessarily been involved in major sins or transgressions, but they have made unwise choices. Some are casual in their observance of sacred covenants. Others spend most of their time giving first-class devotion to lesser causes. Some allow intense cultural or political views to weaken their allegiance to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some have immersed themselves in Internet materials that magnify, exaggerate, and, in some cases, invent shortcomings of early Church leaders. Then they draw incorrect conclusions that can affect testimony. Any who have made these choices can repent and be spiritually renewed.
3.    How we treat those closest to us is of fundamental importance. VIOLENCE, ABUSE, LACK OF CIVILITY, AND DISRESPECT IN THE HOME ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE—not acceptable for adults and not acceptable for the rising generation.
4.    My father was not active in the Church but was a remarkably good example, especially in his treatment of my mother. He used to say; “God will hold men responsible for every tear they cause their wives to shed.” This same concept is emphasized in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” It reads, ”THOSE WHO ABUSE SPOUSE OR OFFSPRING WILL ONE DAY STAND ACCOUNTABLE BEFORE GOD.”14 Regardless of the culture in which we are raised, and whether our parents did or did not abuse us, we must not physically, emotionally, or verbally abuse anyone else.15
5.    The need for civility in society has never been more important. The foundation of KINDNESS AND CIVILITY BEGINS IN OUR HOMES. It is not surprising that our public discourse has declined in equal measure with the breakdown of the family. The family is the foundation for love and for maintaining spirituality. The family promotes an atmosphere where religious observance can flourish. There is indeed “beauty all around when there’s love at home.”16
6.    Parents, the days are long past when regular, active participation in Church meetings and programs, though essential, can fulfill your sacred responsibility to TEACH YOUR CHILDREN to live moral, righteous lives and walk uprightly before the Lord.
7.    With President Monson’s announcement this morning, it is essential that this be faithfully accomplished in HOMES WHICH ARE PLACES OF REFUGE WHERE KINDNESS, FORGIVENESS, TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS PREVAIL.
8.    PARENTS MUST HAVE THE COURAGE to filter or monitor Internet access, television, movies, and music.
9.    PARENTS MUST HAVE THE  COURAGE TO SAY NO, DEFEND TRUTH, AND BEAR POWERFUL TESTIMONY. Your children need to know that you have faith in the Savior, love your Heavenly Father, and sustain the leaders of the Church. Spiritual maturity must flourish in our homes.

Elder Cook makes it very clear that we should each be kind and loving in our interactions with our families and our spouses.  I remember how I thought I was a patient person until I had my children.  Even just having Jim (who was a perfect little boy - except at times like when he took a permanent marker and drew a line all around our bedroom wall, or the time he spray painted John), I realized that I was not patient in times of stress or confusion.  It was a new experience to feel such frustration and to feel out of control.  I didn’t know I could act or more specifically react to things that went on when I was raising children – be it 1 or 8 or whatever. 

I am amazed at how patient I am now when all I really have to put up with is your dad and he behaves himself pretty well for the most part these day… if you are thinking that I really am not too patient with him – then imagine what I was like before with all of you (sometimes it was not a pretty sight).

So anyway, I am grateful for the things that Elder Cook mentioned and in reading them this morning thought I would just mention some of them to you as well because I know how difficult it is to be raising young families and to feel the stress of keeping everything together. 

I think if I could redo anything it would be to be more KIND.  Being kind and considerate in the family setting is not easy.  After all, home is the laboratory for life and mistakes are made, children and spouses are difficult sometimes, we get ornery, and we are often sick or sleep deprived, There are so many pressures and so many times when we say things or do things that just plain are UNKIND and unthoughful.  I know I often wished I could take back things that I said or did and thank goodness for the atonement and the opportunities to repent.

I am not writing this to find fault with any of you although I have seen you at your worst (or I hope it was your worst) times.  I have seen some of you over-react and lose control with your children.  I have seen some of you be downright rude to your spouse and inconsiderate (and if you wonder if I am talking about you, I probably am).  I know that you have witnessed many things that I have done that I certainly regret and over the years have tried to repent of.  If you feel that I need to tell you “I am sorry” for actions against you, I certainly express that sentiment today and want you to know that I regret having acted in such a manner that would cause you to feel bad. 

I do, however, and probably because of my own mistakes, encourage you to make changes in your own behavior that will help you feel closer to the spirit and  be more worthy for the guidance of the Holy Ghost and his presence in your life in and your family and home. 

I love each of you and hope for your success in rearing your families and in treating your spouses with the love you feel for them.  I hope that you can feel the Spirit now so you can sing the song of redeeming love with all your hearts.

I also want you to know that you are my dearest possessions.  I love each of you unconditionally and with such gratitude for my relationship with you and with your amazing families.  I am grateful for your spouses and their goodness.  I love each of them and I cherish your relationships.  Be kind to your spouses and love them with all your hearts.  (and to some or one of you – may I encourage you to find a spouse that will fulfill your life, help you in raising your children,  and bring you greater happiness …)

Believe me, I know that life is not easy.  I know that we each have our own weaknesses but remember that as we work to conquer our own weakness – those things that keep us from feeling God’s love – we will be stronger In those areas and we will come to be more like the Savior. 

Dad and I pray for all of you daily.  We love you so much. 

Love, MOM

Monday, October 8, 2012


Feel Great in Eight! is the diet I have been on for the last 8 weeks... final weigh in was this morning and I lost 2.5 inches and 7 lbs.  I know that isn't great but the diet was easy and fun.  It is a team effort and although my team mates were not so excited about it (Dave, Pete and team leader Jay of the dino-mights) I felt like it was a perfect plan for me.  I had to exercise every day, read my scriptures, say my prayers, not eat after 8 and have atleast 5 helpings of fruits and veggies every day. I also had a list of healthy and unhealthy foods to abide by and I had a calendar of good projects to focus on.  It kept me on the straight and narrow and I always enjoy checking off a list.  I am talking Susan into doing it next time around - I think it will be helpful therapy for her!

Well, I need to get on to work but thought I would just put my thoughts down on this last exercise of my life.  Jim and I are heading for California at the end of the week - we'll be going to Disneyland and then on a cruise to SF, Santa Barbara, Catalina Island and Ensenada - I hope I can keep that weight off! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Tomorrow, Sunday October 7th, I will finish reading the Book of Mormon.  I have read the Book of Mormon many times and about 9 times since 2002.  That year I was in the Relief Society Presidency and I made up a chart that I used to encourage the sisters to do a summer read-a-thon.  I completed my reading that summer by filling out the chart and have filled out the same chart for all of these times since marking a notch for each additional reading.  This time however I have been reading on the Kindle and so I got a new chart... I just checked on my old yellow chart and this was my 10th reading.  I am pleased that I have been able to do that.  I will take breaks in between or read the D&C or other scripture and that is good but I always feel best when I am reading in the Book of Mormon and I like it when I read several chapters a day so that I get some fluency.  I wish I could say that I know it so well now but I don't and actually I don't know that I need to because I feel it is the spirit of the book that makes such a difference in my life.  I love the doctrine and I learn more each time, but the spirit whispers comfort and guidance to me each time I read it.  I do not know what I would do without the blessing of the scriptures.
This morning I listened to the first session of the 182nd semi annual conference of the church.  It was an especially wonderful session.  President Monson announced that missionaries would be able to leave a 18 for men and 19 for women.  Having just served in the university stake I see such wisdom in that.  So many of these kids are drifting during that year and this will help them just get ready and go.  I remember my boys - Jim, John, Pete and Mike all went shortly after the graduated and I guess Dave did also (within 6 months) and they just planned on their missions after graduation.  I don't know Jay's feelings, I know he had a year of college before he went because his birthday was in July but I think he would have been ready and willing to go.
Brother Bowen talked on loss of a loved one and it was a special talk - I think because of Richard's recent passing and my heart being tender toward Susan at this time.  I am sure his talk gave her comfort.  Also Sister Dibb talked about the young woman she met with a tee shirt that said :"I'm a Mormon - are you?" and she created a statement:  I'm a Mormon - I know it, I live it, I love it.  It was a great talk.  Also a talk on the Holy Ghost was amazing as well as talks by Elder Nelson, Elder (can't remember his name but I can see his face, and President Ukhdorf who spoke on no regrets - love life, live for others etc.  All were so good - look forward to the next sessions!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Long Month - A Great Friend

This has been a long, long month and it really only started getting long and hard on the 15th.  I will never really forget the moment.  Jim got a phone call from Bishop Lundquist.  He was actually still in bed.  I heard him say "Richard Jensen?" and I had the worst feeling ever. 
Richard had been in Idaho working on the school house.  He went for an early morning walk or jog and was found on the side of the road about 6:40 am.  He had a massive heart attack.  I do not think that words could ever express how profoundly this affect our lives and how much it will affect us for so many years to come. 

Richard and Susan are surely our closest friends ever.  Jim and Richard have always enjoyed each other's company and this was a blessing since Susan and I hit it off so well right from the beginning.  Susan and I worked in Relief Society together and then in Young Women.  Jim and Richard enjoyed music and started their trio with Zhailaa and then later with Abi.  We loved to play Hearts and other games together.  We took a number of trips including the California Coast in Cuyucas one winter, cruise to Mexico, cruise to Alaska, several weekend trips to Salt Lake City during Christmas and also a week in Hawaii, several days in Park City and a week in Southern California.  We were planning for some time in Hilo, Hawaii at a beach house that the Jensens had access to.  We often said that we were glad we took those trips together even though we couldn't really afford them - and we especially appreciate that time now that we can no longer do it.

My heart has hurt so badly these last weeks:  for Richard of course and yet I know that he is in a better place and is happy.  I grieve for those of us left behind... Susan will suffer for forever I am sure.  She is going to be sad every day and no one will ever be able to replace her husband in her life.

I know that Jim is feeling such a great loss.  Richard was his best friend ever.  I can remember hearing him often on the phone calling just to chat and laughing with Richard about something or other.  They both enjoyed their times on the stage and even their times when we would just be together and Richard would bring out the guitar or uke and start playing and they would start singing "The Fish Song" or some other favorite.  It was a source of great joy for Jim.

All of our kids have expressed thoughts of love and appreciation for the Jensens.  Uncle Richie was always so interested in them and took time to express how he cared whenever he saw them.  He was Laura's first Sunday School teacher in New Harmony and she has loved him ever since.  He always cared about Amy and David as well as the other boys.  He just had a way of making others feel important and cared about.  We spent some great times with the Jensens and I am glad for Amy's wedding at their house where we were able to gather as a family at their home and enjoy such a beautiful setting for the reception.

I have thought about how being with Richard has had an affect on my life as well.  We kidded each other a lot.  He liked to see me get riled up with Jim and would often laugh when the teasing started.  I don't know that I ever really let my guard down around other men except my family and being with Richard and Susan let me be me comfortably.  They are like family and will forever be so.  I always knew he loved us... not just Jim but me and Jim.  He was a great friend whose memory I will cherish and reverence.  He set a great example of service and kindness. 

I do not believe that he thought of himself as any great man.  He didn't acknowledge his great talents as anything special and yet he created such beautiful items, he sang with such a clear and lovely voice, he played the guitar and ukelele without ever making a mistake.  He was a great teacher and a good leader.  He was willing to serve no matter what the need.  He enjoyed people and they were drawn to him because of his sincerity and brotherly love.

I guess life will go on without him but not without his influence and the blessings we have received from knowing him.  I will forever be grateful for the times we have spent over these last years.  We will watch over Susan and try to help fill her lonely moments.  We will try to bring some joy to her life and help her in any way we can.  She is as dear as a sister to both Jim and I.  It will be our pleasure to share our time with her... we are planning on a round of 5 Crowns this week.  At least we won't have to worry that Richard will whoop us like he usually did!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Jim and I were driving last night and I started remembering names of people in Yerington for some reason.  It was an interesting process since we haven't lived in Yerington for over 35 years and when we lived there it was only for about 1 1/2 years.  Even so, we made some amazing relationships there.  We lived in a little house to begin with which had linoleum through out and we rented it from the people across the street.  It had a front yard that was surrounded by chain link fence and had a patio.  Jim and John would play in that front yard much of the day since we lived there during the summer months from May to I think November.  Jim was about 2 1/2 and John was 10 months when we moved in and Peter was born that next October.
Memories I have of Yerington are wonderful.  The ward was truly our family.  They made us feel welcomed from the beginning.  We were raising money for an addition and so we had monthly dinners for the town.  We got to know so many people well... and as I was going through names, I realized that I had been in and visiting in every home. 
Ted and Elaine had a ranch just out of town and had bought some buildings in town which housed a laundromat in one.  They had a couple who worked for them and we got to know them well - Brian and Shirley Millard.  They had just joined the church and had two little boys at the time.  We ate at their home several times and I remember they harvested wild asparagus out of their irrigation ditches by the home where they lived.
Jim was the Venturer (I believe) leader and he made a movie with those boys during the second summer we were there.  The boys included a couple of Beutlers, Cal Archer, Norman & Greg Rempp and brothers, Stanley Moyle, Glade Barton.  They went to the mines and other places out of town and had the best time. 
I was the Mother Education teacher and also the Primary President.  Jim also served as a Seventy which at that time was the missionary arm and I believe he was very involved in the Stake.  We were busy and besides being busy in the church we had a baby, Peter, and moved and Jim changed jobs 3 or 4 times.  He also broke "off" his ankle playing baseball the second summer and was in a full cast from toe to hip for a number of weeks after having surgery. 
It was special to remember the name of so many friends:  Phil and Nancy Turner, the Talbots, Bill and Pat Green (our Bishop), Janice Tamagnis, Arch and Edwina Archer, the Beutlers, the Bartons, George Bowman and Marla, Robin?(still working on this one), Celia and Maury Moyle, Ted & Yvonne Rempp, John and Lee Reed, Larry Sargent ..
We attended a monthly study group with many of these people, we went to dinner at a lot of these homes; we baby sat some of their kids, they babysat ours;  Jim played ball on the ward team.  Their kids would just take our little boys and play with them.  I barely knew them but they made us feel apart of their lives from the beginning.  It was an incredible experience and when we left, they made a King size quilt for us with squares from many of the families that lived there.
Jim mentioned as we were reminiscing that it was a time that he will never forget... nor I.  We thought we had some challenges when we lived there - I think we have gone on to find that life had many more and tougher challenges that we have faced since but we learned so much and loved the opportunity to share with people we have not yet forgotten....

Monday, July 30, 2012


I didn't get a chance to write about Amy's wedding so now that things are simmering down, I think I will take a moment and say a few things.

It was a beautiful day for the wedding and especially the reception.  We were worried that we might have rain but it was a perfect night.  Amy and Laura made most of the food and Amy chose to also have snowcones which were a big hit.  The colors were bright and fun and the Jensen's yard was perfect.  We had a good turnout of people although I have had many since tell me they were sorry they had to miss the event due to being somewhere else etc.  Well, we were glad for who could celebrate with us.

The temple ceremony in the big room off of the Celestial room, couldn't have been more perfect.  A son of Bruce R. McConkie sealed Amy and Dad.  He told them of some wonderful promises and spoke of the covenants they were making as man and wife.  Both Dan's family and our family filled the room.

All of our children and almost all of their spouses were there in the temple.  It was a sacred moment for me as their mother to witness their devotion to the gospel and commitment to covenants they have each made.  What a blessing that was for both Jim and I.  It was a tender mercy!

I am proud of Amy and the worthy life she has led to qualify her for a temple marriage.  She has always tried to live the gospel and has made a great effort to keep the commandments, to dress modestly, to attend and serve in the church.  I am especially pleased with her as a married woman.  We went to her house in Springville on Saturday and I think she has done such a great job decorating her little basement apartment.  Everything was so neat and orderly and her decorations were darling.  On Sunday we went back and had dinner with her and Dan as well as Laura and Nigel, Shey and Donnie.  We had one of our favorites, Shoyu Chicken and rice and she did a great job having everything ready and waiting for us.  There is a special, sweet spirit in her home.

I couldn't be happier for her.  I know that she is starting our her married life in a great way.  I am so glad that she and Dan are so happy and that they are both committed to their temple marriage!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Letter to Kathy Hellberg

Wrote this up-date letter to Kathy Hellberg after she wrote me a birthday card...

I am thanking you for several things.  #1 gift card to Amy and Dan. It was a delightful wedding and we had a good time.  I was so relieved to have it all done and that it didn't rain on the outdoor reception. 

#2 Birthday card and wishes to me and update on your family!  It was great to hear about your grandsons and your girls & spouses.  I intend to bring Jim out there one day so he can meet all of you and enjoy a vacation as I did (now long ago).
#3 Your email address which I believe is new from the one I had.  I had my email hacked about 6 months ago and although I wrote a letter to my email friends I never got around to mailing it.  Therefore I haven't had an email for you and like you do not spend time on facebook.
I thought I would fill you in on our latest:
We have opened a cute little shop and cafe in Cedar City.  It is a fun venture for me - I am patterning it after a New Hope kind of shop.  I take in consignment items that involve things from antiques to handcrafted items.  I never know what will come in next and my greatest fun is to decorate them on the shelves, tables etc. that I have.  I also make fudge that we sell in all kinds of flavors - maplenut, chocolate pecan, island rocky road, butterscotch penuche, pistachio... you give us an idea and we'll try it.  Jim is the inventor and he does very well in his creations.  I also make goodie baskets and have fun putting those together. 

Besides the shop is also the cafe which has been a huge success for lunchtime crowds.  We mostly make sandwiches and use a foccacia (seasoned) bread for things like pulled turkey w/ jalepeno raspberry jam, chicken salad, BLT, etc.  Or we do a variety of grilled cheese on sourdough:  3 cheese w/sliced asian pear, 3 cheese w/ bacon and guacamole.  We also do a lot of grilled sandwiches like The Thunderbird which is on a hogie bun with grilled chicken, bell pepper, mushroom, onion and cheese w/ lettuce, tomato and red onion; or the Philly which is similar accept w/ beef... plus several others like a Ruben, hot pastrami, loaded pastrami.
It has been fun to try new sandwiches out and see how people like them.  We have some great salads and wraps as well.  In a central Utah small town we are something unique and people are enjoying our menu.

So obviously that is keeping us busy, busy, busy. 

John is working with us.  He moved here from Florida when he and his wife were divorced 2 years ago.  She decided she didn't want to do the fulltime mom thing and went back to Alaska to go to school.  He brought his 3 kids here and is doing very well.  I am working hard to find him a new wife! He has one girl Natalie who is now 12, Jack who is 8 and Andy who is 6. 

Dave also works for us while going to school.  I think he has one more year because he keeps changing his major. Dani works for a dentist here in town - she got her degree in business two years ago.  Amy worked for us as well but will move to Provo Utah while her husband finishes up school there at UVU

Laura and her family are in Salt Lake where her husband is getting his MBA at the University of Utah in finance.  They have two cute little kids - Sheylani who just turned six and will go to first grade and Donovan who will be two in October.
We enjoy seeing them as often as we can and Amy and Laura will just be about 45 minutes apart...they are very good friends so this will be great to them.

Mike is in Wyoming and still going to school.  He drives a school bus and I think would love to do that the rest of his life if he could... He is aiming towards and degree in business as well.  His wife, Liana, is the sweetest thing.  She also is working on a degree in family therapy and works at their local hospital.  She would quit it all in a minute if she could get pregnant but hasn't been able to yet.  They will have been married 4 years in August.

Jim is still in North Las Vegas where he still works for the same law firm he has been with for 8 or so years.  His kids are growing up:  Marien 15, Clayton will be 14 in August, and Kathryn is 11.  Clorinda keeps busy tutoring math and getting the kids to all of their activities since Las Vegas has a school system where the kids can go to magnetic schools that focus on certain curriculums - Marien goes across town to a Rancho for medical prep. something or other.  Clayton went to another special school in Henderson which is in the other direction... Kathryn will start middle school this year but I believe that both she and Clayton will be staying in their "neighborhood" schools this year.

Pete is in Houston.  I went to visit them in May.  Pete works for Shell Oil.  They just had their fourth baby this last month - June 26th. He was 3 weeks early so it was great he came and Pete and their daughter Abbie (8) were able to come for Amy's wedding. They have 4 children:  Jeremy (10), Abbie, Ben (5) and new little Oliver Charles.  Pete's wife Tara is amazing and takes great care of the kids and their home.  It is always fun to visit them - she takes such good care of us!  Abbie will be baptized in August and the baby will be blessed so both Jim and I are going for a few days.

Jay is finishing up at animation school (online) where he has been working for the last 18 mos.  He is hoping to find a job in animation anywhere!  He has been designing t-shirts since he got his degree in fine art 8 years ago for a tshirt company called Duck Company.  He has also taught classes at the university here in Cedar but wants to move into this new opportunity.  They are looking forward to a move somewhere.  He and Sara have 6 children:  Mackenzie (12), Tara (10) twins Jaykob and Jayson (9) Anna (4) and Tommy (2)  Sara is a great mom and does all the homemaker stuff like great desserts, homemade bread.  I like living by her, we have a good time together - got pedicures for my birthday even!

Might also mention that I hear from Kelly now and then.  She is living in Iowa now and managing a museum.  She said she is working 60 hour weeks but I think she likes it.  Both of her girls live nearby.  Cammie and her husband, and Bronwynne and her baby, Taryn, who is about 8 mos. old - I think she lives with Kelly and Mike.

So look what your letter brought you....  Thanks for writing. 
Let's keep in touch!!!
Love you forever - Kathy 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Big #62

Received this email from Kelly for my birthday.  Thought I would publish it and my reply...

Are we still allowing those??
Well, have a happy day anyway. I often think of you and how much you taught me growing up. Thanks for being a great "big" sister.
I hope things are going well for you. Congradulations to Amy and hubby - He looks like he will fit right into the Fontano Clan. (I can find the picture but not the invitation!) Kath, you and Jim should be proud of your kids - all married in the temple, all knowing what i smost important and going forward in the gospel. I am sure yesterday was a beautiful day for you.
what is going on with the rest of your bunch? I thought you were beating me in the grandkid count - but now we are at 18 and 1 great due in December. Davydd and Candace are expecting in August  (18) and Tosha (oldest granddaughter) is expecting in December. (I love these kids, just wish that they would get the marriage taken care of first!) Kami & Seth are not able to get pregnant and it is very depressing for her.
Of course having Taryn in my life is a blessing I am grateful for every day. I keep praying that her mother will catch on to the gospel. She goes to church with us all the time, but really doesn't allow herself to be a part of it. It is an unusual situation, but as long as we live together, she will go, but she won't pray with us or study scriptures or discuss the gospel at all. She just got a job, so that wil help me out with the financial struggle - I hope. With the way things are set up, you never know if getting work will help or set you up to lose benefits like WIC and medicaid for the baby. We are hoping that this will allow her to keep medical coverage for Taryn and WIC but allow her to pay off school debts and get a car.
I am teaching RS again. It is about all I can handle with work which is taking about 60 to 75 hours per week. Of course, since we are in a branch - that means that I teach almost every week and lead the music. All I didn't do in RS today was say the opening prayer and conduct and this was my week off! But we have a great group of sisters and I love it.
Mike has been called as 2nd counselor in the branch presidency. It is his first leadership calling since we've been married and he is terrified. I think it will be great for him, but quite new and different. He is most comfortable teaching. He is looking for work still. This economy and not having training in a business setting and being too old to do physical labor is really hard.
Ah well, life is still good and happy.
God bless you and all yours. and have a Happy Birthday. Make Jim take you somewhere else to eat besides your own place!!
Love you.

Well I already ate lunch at the LBH and I know he will take me to the Garden House for Prime Rib which is my favorite!  So no worries for Birthday dinner.

All the kids were here and in the temple for Amy's wedding so that is the best birthday present ever!  Yes they are all active and have strong testimonies - don't know what we did right but they have all chosen well.  We are at grandchild #19 as Pete and Tara had their baby boy , Oliver Charles, last week (3 weeks early) and that was great because Pete and his little Abbie were able to come to the wedding.  I feel very blessed!

Jim and his family will be coming to Nauvoo in a couple of weeks... do you live near enough for him to come and see you or you to meet him?  I don't know what day for sure but this is his email: and if you will contact him perhaps he can make arrangements.  He definitely wants to see you if it is possible. 

Big Jim's sister Judy passed away with a brain tumor last week - she found out on Mother's day and so she went quickly.  It was a bitter sweet day of course - seeing relatives but also saying goodbye to a very good woman.  

We are busy at the shop - I bet we are actually doing similar things only you know what you are doing and I just guess most of the time.  I love the arranging and coordinating - it is something that I have loved since we were little and Mom and Lucy were both so into antiques.  I feel blessed to have this opportunity but I do know that my age plays a part in what I can do or not do.  I met a lady today who is celebrating her 55th anniversary this week and she looked fantastic and the thought crossed my mind that I hope I am strong like her when I make it to her age... if I do.  This business will either keep me young or kill me so we'll see!

You mentioned teaching and everything else in RS - you go girl!  They have put me in YW again as a MM counselor to a 25 year old amazing girl.  All the other workers are also in their 20s and I am sure they just as soon leave me alone but I am doing okay with the girls (they think of me as their grandma) and so I guess some of my experience helps out.  We have girls camp this week and I have gotten out of going all week - just Weds and Thurs.  I am afraid of the 7000' altitude and what it might do to my heart so I have just bowed out of sleeping over.  I have never been to a better camp in my moving around than Liahona - I think we were so lucky to go up there...who knew I would still be going to girls camp at the age of 62!

Jim and I are doing okay.  Keeping busy at the shop.  Today he made chocolate and carrot cake big cupcakes as well as Chocolate satin pie.  He loves to do all that but whines about it at the same time.  He struggles with his back and hips and all of that but is an asset to the business because he is such a people person and drums us up business etc.  We will miss Amy being there (she is moving to Orem) but on the other hand there has been a lot of family involved in making decisions and having differences of opinion so perhaps one less "family" member int he management might not be too bad.

Well, thanks for my email, it made my day.  I love and appreciate you.  Some day I hope we can spend some time together.  It would be a delight.  Congrats on all your grandchildren - especially having a little one living with you is a blessing (although Donovan - Laura's youngest is now 20 mos. and is already in his terrible twos)  He spilled bleach on my carpet and lost my remote on his last visit.  Whew, glad she is able to take him home!

Love you so much, Kathy

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Time flies - things happen

So many things have happened since my last blog entry in April.  The time has literally flown.  Most noteworthy are Amy's Engagement for wedding on July 7th, spending time with Pete and Tara and kids in Houston and finding out that they are expecting a new baby boy in July, getting a call to YW again and having the opportunity to work with young girls and sharing my testimony with them, and finally this last week end attending Jenna's wedding to James Lee and finding out at the same time that Judy was not going to recover from her brain surgery. 
Judy passed away this last Tuesday.  Both Jim and I had the feeling that she would pull through this but seeing her Sunday night following the wedding and then hearing that she had gone back to the hospital because of the terrible pain she was enduring on Monday, we were really  not too surprised when Joy called and said she had passed away on Tuesday.  The viewing and funeral will be next Sunday (July 1) and Monday (July 2)which we will attend.
I was able to sit next to Carrie during the dinner at Jenna's wedding and had a nice visit with her although neither of us was particularly in a celebratory mood.  She is a lovely woman and it is hard to watch her go through this great loss.  I sent her and similar letters (to her brothers and Dale) and wanted to attach these to this blog for future reference.

Dear Carrie:
We just wanted to write and express our sympathy and love to you at this time.  We know that it is very difficult for you to lose your mother and that the next months will be sad.  We hope you are strengthened by memories of her influence and example.
She was such a strength and help in your life (and in our lives as well). 
She always set a great example of service, hard work, good thoughts, sweet concern and so many other qualities.
She was an achiever and worked hard to be well educated. 
She was such a great mother and grandmother.  She taught us so much about parenthood in our younger years. 
She was a great organizer and was always involved in some project or other.
She was a good neighbor and had many friends.
She was giving to others.
She was very talented and used her talents to bless so many people.
She knew how to have a good time and always wanted to include you and your families in activities that would strengthen you and keep you close.
She was a great older sister to Jim and he loves her so much.  He often tells stories of when they were young and their parents would go to this or that event and Judy would take care of him.  I know he loved those times.
We will miss your mom so much.  We recognize that she is having a joyful reunion with those who have gone before but even so it is hard for those she left behind.  We will be praying for you and for your children as well as for your dad and your brothers and their families. 
I am so glad we had that time together at the wedding to just visit and catch up.  Your Uncle Jim and I think the world of you and we know that you are doing a great work with your beautiful children.  We know that you are your mother’s daughter and that because of you and your great brothers, her legacy will live on and many people will be blessed.
Love always,  Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jim

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Here's to Great Bloggers!

Just spent some time reading Liana and John's blogs.  I haven't read them for awhile... seems I've been too busy watching "Biggest Loser" or something else each evening.  Tonight, I sat down and started to read and enjoyed them so much.  Liana has such a gift for writing and I love her comments about life with Mike.  I loved her story about taking her YW to YW Conference and how they ended up with seats in the Conference Center and everything worked out so perfectly even though she was in such a panic about it the week before. 
John writes such enjoyable anecdotes about the kids.  It is great to read about the things that they come up with... most recently Jack forgetting to wear his underwear and then using that as an excuse not to have to go get his shoes from outside.  Also his visit with his Bishop for his Baptism interview.  He is such a great dad and works so hard to take care of all the needs of his family.
While I have been writing, Jim has been parading back and forth in his garments and white socks and slippers.  I told him I didn't want to see his outfit one more time.  He gets such a kick out of hmself!
Not much to say but did want to remember how much I enjoyed the trip to the temple with grandkids to do baptisms.  It was a great experience.  Very spiritual and an blessing to see my grandchildren participating in the temple.  Also enjoyed watching Tara and Kathryn all dressed up in the "wedding dresses from Mike and Liana's wedding"... go over to the visitors center while we were in the baptistry.  It was just such a cute thing.
I also might mention that I have been called toYW again as the Mia Maid Counselor.  It is a challenge to try to fit in with a young presidency and with the girls.  I think that some of them might be a little afraid of me since I am so old.  I am going to work at it though.  I always enjoy the young men too.  We have quite a few in Greenslake - like 17 girls or so and probably that many boys. It is pretty cool considering that Greenslake when we started the ward 5 years ago only had 4 or 5 YW and not many more YM than that. 
I am fasting for some of these girls right now.. I hope that they will choose to be active and that I can help them gain testimonies of the Savior and feel His love.  Having done this so many times it seems odd that it would be such a challenge for me but I find each time to be a challenge and I appreciate the opportunity to stretch myself yet again.  My Patriarchal blessing says I will be a leader of the youth and with this being about the 10th or maybe more time I have been in a presidency I guess that is bearing itself out.  Grateful for the chance to serve. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Dear Friends and Family:
This letter is going to seem crazy to some of you.  I have always been an ardent Christmas letter writer but the last couple of years have found me faltering.  I have not sat down and written or sent Holiday greetings to our choicest friends and family.
It isn’t that I think you need to know about “the Fontanos” but rather that I need to think about you!  I have always felt a special spirit as I have gone through lists of names each year and renewed feelings of love that we have for each of you.  I always treasure the thoughts I have – “oh I remember when we went to girls camp”, “oh she makes the best desserts”,  “yes, he was such a great bishop or scout leader”, “our kids had such great fun together”….   You know, those feelings that have just enriched your life. 
Well, last year I at least got around to sending out some quickie email notes at Christmas time 2010…  then during this year, I got hacked and lost all of my email addresses and consequently all of my other addresses as well.  (I thought I was so smart by putting them all on the computer email list).  I am not savvy enough to know how to regain that information.  I have gone through some old lists and have found some of you there.  I also realize that many addresses are lost now forever and I have to say that hurts my heart.
I hope you will enjoy this letter.  I hope you will respond by perhaps letting me know your physical and email address.  It would mean so much to me and to Jim as well.  We cherish our memories of times with you and with your families. 
Best wishes to you.  We hope your life is good and you are healthy.  We hope your family is happy.  We especially express our gratitude for the goodness you have brought into our lives and for the memories we have of you.  Have a great year and know that you are loved by The Fontanos!

*if you are receiving this via email then Jim had you on his email address list – however there is a good chance I don’t have your physical address, so I’d appreciate it if you would send it to me! 

Dear Friends and Family:
This is our (my) after Christmas, after Valentines letter.  We have not disappeared, we have just relocated yet again and I have lost access to my email accounts as well as misplaced most of my addresses.  So if you receive  this letter via the US Postal service, then let it be known that I found your address.  If you would be so very kind, please return email me at my current email and let me know your email address!
I am not meant to live in this technological world.  It seems like we are constantly changing  accounts  (business, banking, telephones, computers… you name it and I am always playing catch up.  Last fall, my email account got hacked and so I lost all of my information that I so brilliantly put into yahoo including my friends and family addresses and phone numbers etc.  I have felt so alone… literally.   I miss knowing about all of you and how you are.  I hope you will have a minute to respond to this letter and tell me some things about you and your family.
So here is our yearly update for the Fontanos… Jim and I are living in Cedar City in a cute house that is just the perfect size for us (at least that is what I think).  Jim has in mind to move to a condo so don’t think we are done with our moves yet. 
Mid 2010 we started an antique and oddity business in a little house here in town.  We called it “The Little Brick House.”   I thought it would be a fun “hobby” for me.  John was also looking for a job at the time and got involved.  It was fun to decorate this shop and we also made baskets and fudge.  About 8 months into the project we knew that we either needed to move and expand or close down.  There is an old bakery in Cedar that actually has approximately 4500 square feet and a large basement.  It also had a kitchen or at least the beginnings of a commercial kitchen.  We put up some walls, knocked down a few, scraped doughnut grease from the ceilings and walls, painted, did some plumbing, wired and rewired,  and by the first of June we opened a much larger Antique and Craft mall.  We have consignors and renters who bring in interesting and wonderful items for the store.   We still do gift baskets and about 12 different flavors of fudge.  Jim is thinking to process his own jams and sauces as well.
By the first weekend in July we were able to open our restaurant “The Brickhouse Café”.   We make all kinds of fattening and delicious sandwiches, homemade soups, salads and desserts.  Just getting started, our budget is tight and so we are doing most of the work.  Dave and his wife Dani came on board as well as Amy.  We are pretty much a family run business with me watching the store and John, Amy and Dave working the café.  Jim runs all of our errands, takes care of advertising and whatever else we need.
We have done very well and we are so hopeful for this year.  We were worried about January and February being slow and cold months but they have been great.  We seem to be doing well in both the store and the café. 
Because this was such an eventful Christmas season, I didn’t get around to even thinking about Christmas letters.  Being that we had moved again, I realized that most of you had no idea where we were or what we were up to.  Here is an update on each of the kids and their families:
Jim and Clorinda are still in North Las Vegas where Marien is a freshman in High School, Clayton in 8th grade and Kathryn in 5th.  We are glad they don’t live too far away and they are great about coming up for holidays and spending time with the family.
John and his 3 kids live in Cedar too.  Natalie is in 6th grade, Jack in 2nd and Andy in kindergarten.  John has a full time and more job keeping up with the kids and running the café. 
Pete and Tara are in Houston TX and love it there.  Jeremy, Abbie and Ben are darling children – active in sports and dance.  We don’t see them often but we did have the greatest of surprises when last summer they came walking through the front door of the Little Brick House!
Jay and Sara and their six children:  Mack, Tara, Jayson, Jaykob, Anna and Tom are all doing great.  Jay has been taking an animation class  and when he finishes this spring they anticipate moving away from Cedar to a place where Jay can work with the skills he has been learning. 
Mike and Liana live in Laramie where both are going to school and working.  Mike works as a bus driver and tells some great tales about what he does to those poor kids.  We shared a fun trip with them after Christmas to Disneyland (don’t ever go to D-land during Christmas Vacation) and Newport Beach.  As always it was a delight to be with them. 
Laura and Nigel Bloomfield are attending the University of Utah where Nigel is finishing up his MBA.  They have two children:  Sheylani almost 6 and Donovan 16 months.  We get to see them quite often when we go on buying trips to Salt Lake or when they come down for a visit. 
David and Dani live here in Cedar where Dani works for a local Dentist and Dave goes to SUU and works with us every day at the shop and Café.  Dani also has a Zumba studio and has lots of energy.  I keep thinking I’ll get back to exercising with her but haven’t been there since Christmas.
Amy works at the café and still does hair as well.  She lives with some roommates her in Cedar and attends the University stake.  She has a new boyfriend and although he lives up in Orem and goes to UVU – they seem to see each other several times a month.
Jim is still serving in a bishopric at the University.  He should be there until April when his time is up.  He loves the kids and the opportunity.  I was just called in my old age to go to girls camp again…  I am pretty excited about that again!
Well, that is our story for now.  We have had some great experiences this year… took a cruise up the coast of California to Victoria for our 40th anniversary, went to Salt Lake for an adult family reunion, made our yearly move and have enjoyed seeing so many friends and making new friends at the shop. 
We are feeling our aches and pains but for the most part, life is good.  We hope this letter finds you well and happy and hope that we can do a better job of keeping up with you!
The Fontanos    1348 S 860 W - Cedar City UT 84720 -  435-590-5415

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What happened to January?

Wow, I thought last month went by fast - this month was even faster.  I can't believe there are only two more days in January - I just can't seem to catch my breath anymore.  Well January has been a good month at the shop and especially the cafe.  I was afraid things would die but actually we have had some very good days in the store and the cafe is averaging at about double what we did in November... I could be exagerating but i don't think so.  At least this last week we had phenominal days and Friday we did over $1300 in the cafe which is our record so far I believe.  I see a light in the future... that light means maybe we can hire a few people to help us out!
So the other thing I wanted to mention tonight was the chance I had to go to New Beginnings for Mack and Natalie tonight.  It was 'Happily Ever After" and it was such a nice program.  Both girls are so excited to get started as new Beehives - Nat will turn 12 on Feb 20th and Mack on March 21.  They will have great leaders and the older girls in their YW group seemed to be cute.  It seems like yesterday that we were doing New Beginnings for Laura and then for Amy.  I was in YW last about 5 years ago now.  That was with Amy's age group and included the Pace girls, the Lundgren twins, Hillary Stavros, the Carter girls, Lacey Larsen... all of them grown up now and most of them married.  It seems like only yesterday that we were taking them to do baptisms at the temple, telling stories and playing games around the campfire at Girls Camp, enjoying times together at Youth Conference etc. 
The other day I came across my Beehive Bandalo - blue felt,band  decorated with Beehives, red rose (my flower), bars and stripes for things I don't remember.  I do remember however that I had the most wonderful Beehive leaders.  Sister Shari Pack was my first year and she was just the sweetest thing.  A new married girl whose husband was going to school - I think she wasn't over 22.  I just adored her.  Then I had my Beegive 2 teacher but I don't remember her name - however I do remember that she used to pick my up for MIA as we called it in those days and she took me to various activities.  I loved her too.  They were so good to me and I think their influence helped me to desire to give to the girls I have served that same feeling of being loved and cared for.  I have served as a YW leader many, many times as my Patriarchal Blessing said .  I was reminded tonight how much I love theYW program.  It was a strength to me when I needed it so desperately after my Mother died  and has continued to hold a place in my heart  over the many years I have served.  I hope and pray that each of my little grand-daughters (including Marien, Nat and Mack) will feel the love of the program and of their leaders and that it will be an influence for good throughout their lives.

Friday, January 20, 2012

What happened to December?

I am so sad that December came and went this year and I really didn't ever feel the spirit of the Season.  I was so busy at the store and I didn't think I had time to do the things I usually do like 12 days etc.  I loved going to California after Christmas with Jim and Amy and Mike and Liana.  It was crowded at Disneyland but being in the great weather and enjoying being with the family it was truly wonderful.
I enjoyed Christmas with everyone as well.  We did do the traditional Nativity dinner and everyone did their part from Jack being a donkey to Andy and Anna being Joseph and Mary.  Christmas eve the LBH crew went to Garden House for dinner and before that we went to see Sherlock Holmes at the movies.  It was a different type of Christmas eve but it was so great not to have to prepare dinner etc. after such a hard week at the cafe and shop.  Jim and Clorinda and kids came over after and spent the night.  Christmas morning was fun and then the rest of the family came for dinner. 
After Christmas and Disneyland, we came home for New Years.  Laura and Nigel and kids came up on Friday and spent the weekend.  We had a great time with traditional fondue and although i am sure i went to bed before midnight, the New Year came in regardless.  I am hoping that I can have a great 2012 ... and balance my time to enjoy life and not just work, work,work.
As i write this I guess we really did have a nice December... I know it was different but it was good.  I am not so sure i like all of this change in my life.  Tradition is important to me but I know that things are changing and I have to make the changes. 
So Iwill try to make more of an effort this month to keep up on my blog.  I am interested to see how much I forget when I write after a couple of weeks like this.