Sunday, September 25, 2011

Good by to Celeste

Last week Celeste Barrick passed away.  She has been sick for awhile but I had no idea that she was so close to death.  She got pneumonia and then blood poisoning and her body just shut down.  Saturday we went to her funeral.  It was a great spiritual experience.  The girls gave loving memorials to their mom.  It was a reminder to me of how life is precious.  I know it will be hard for her children, especially for Savannah and Anikan who are still young and in school.  I always feel for families where the mother or father dies and there are still young children or teenagers.  I have been there... I know how hard it is  
Celeste's death was a reminder of how precious life is.  She was a good woman, a good mother, a good wife.  She wasn't perfect but she lived a good life and she was an example to me of trying your hardest... of working and working and working.  She never stopped.  She loved her family.  She was devoted to her husband.  She lived the gospel.  I hope that I can remember and follow such an example.  I am glad to have known her!  I hope that I can be supportive for her family and not forget that they will need encouragement and love.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Mike called tonight to ask about Disneyland in December between Christmas and New Years.  We haven't really spread the word much to the family but if anyone reads this and wants to go... we are on board I believe.  Mike is looking up places to stay.  We are hoping we can get it together for little funds - like the trip being our Christmas...  Amy and Dave and Dani and Mike and Liana all want to take the trip.  Perhaps those with children can also save up.  Come if you want is my philosophy.  I am not making demands or requests or invitations.  It would be so fun for everyone to be there but at the same time it can be a hardship too.  So this is just a matter of we're going, come if you can!

It was a restful Sunday today.  I read my scriptures after church, started reading a Clive Cussler book, took a nap for about 3 hours, fixed dinner, finished the book, talked to Mike on the phone and now I am writing this.  It isn't yet 10 pm so I might find a movie to watch and then we'll hope that I can sleep tonight after that long nap.

I need to work on JMA stuff tomorrow at the store and perhaps we can get the office in the basement somewhat organized.  Guess we have a Stake party at the institute Wednesday night.  Glad for that since I will beable to see a lot of people I haven't seen for awhile.  I miss that interaction at the YSA stake and I only get nursery in the ward... it is something I like - to hide out - but not really good for me to do it because themore I hide out the less I want to interact with the people in the ward.  They don't know me and I don't care if they do.  It was good when Jim and I were both working in the ward but since we are not right now, there are just more and more people who we don't know.  Glad we are still in the Stake until the spring...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nothing to say

I have not got anything to say but wanted to write.  I have been catching up on emails for the last hour or more and it is fun to hear from people and realize that there are those that mean so much to you.  Liana wrote me back and said she was doing pretty well since her operation.  That was probably two weeks ago and I just now read it.  Clorinda had written to say they were coming up for Labor day and bringing 15 pkgs. of hot dogs.  Mack had sent me a newsletter from her 6th grade class.  She is having a hard adjustment to middle school and to especially riding the bus.  Laura had written on facebook to say that she gave her last taco to Shey - proof of her motherly love.  I saw a picture of our 40th year reunion in Pleasanton in 2008.  I also saw some pictures of some of the kids in Castro Valley when they were in grade school.  Didn't really recognize many of them even though probably most of them graduated from Castro Vally with me but I did recognize Jack Kuhn III - I think he still looked the same at the 40th year reunion! 
So although I haven't much in the way of introspection or enlightenment, I do have to say that it is good to check your email once in a while because there are good things to remember and fun things to learn.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Testimony and Temple

Last week we were able to go to the temple.  We haven't been to the temple since last March.  I kept thinking we would get there but our time has been so filled up with the shop that to find a time together to go has been almost impossible.  So I was so excited when the time opened up and we could go down together and enjoy a session.  I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it!  I kept finding myself tearing up as I felt the spirit  I was an incredible high for me to just be at peace and feel my Heavenly Father's love.  I am so blessed to be a member of the church.  It amazes me that I could be so lucky and have the Gospel.
I remember back as a young girl, deciding between being a Mormon (Mom) and a Catholic (Dad).  I liked the idea of Catholic because in those days they wore a hat to church every Sunday and I was a hat girl in those days.  I would stand in front of my mother's antique dresser mirror and try on all of her hats frequently... I love to do it.  Even when I had already been baptized a Mormon.  So glad I made the right choice then because now I wonder if I would have listened to the Missionaries or made the decision to be baptized.  Glad the Lord let me choose while I wasn't quite so stubborn.
Anyway, the Temple was great and much needed right now.  I hope to go again soon with Susan who also hasn't been able to go because of caring for her bedridden mother these last months.  Since her mom passed away last week it will free her up somewhat.  She still has her dad to care for but she should be able to get out now and then.  I will enjoy my day with her, including lunch, Coldwater Creek and a pedicure!
So we are headed to Salt Lake today to pick up some things for the store.  I am hoping for a nice day and one to just relax a little bit.  Well Jim just said he is ready to go and I still haven't brushed my hair or teeth, so I will let this go and get on my way!