Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We ordered cookies from Nicholas for the restaurant.  We didn't really like any of them and decided to make our own.  I am interested about the cookies as well as the sandwiches and chili and soup and even fudge etc.  I think many of the fast food restaurants around any more use food that is premade etc.  In our restaurant almost everything is done from scratch.  Obviously we buy our bread but we find the most success with the food that we make by hand... so the cookies are a part of that and we are working on what to make.  Amy has the recipe for the chocolate chips down pretty good.  Tomorrow I am going to try some oatmeal raisins and I think some peanut butters as well.  John makes a good white choco macadamia nut. Our cookies might not be way different or creative but I think they will be delicious! 
So with the cookies in mind, I have been thinking also about how many new things there are in today's world.  I deal in antiques and old things now and so I am constantly reminded of how things used to be.  Beautiful and creative furniture, clocks, gramaphones, telephones.  People used to take a lot of pride in things they made and took time to make them.  In this fast food, fast everything world, I wonder about how things are going to end up.  I watch people who never stop playing video games, or talking on cell phones, or driving fast, or wanting immediate answers to questions.  I am glad that I had an opportunity to grow up in a slower world.  I know I am stupid about a lot of things in this electronic age but I also realize that some skills that I have come from the day when I had to work things out on my own.  I can add a list of figures in my head, or spell words without using word check, or wash a car by hand or cook a meal without everything coming from a box.  I am glad that I can do those things.  I am glad I know what a good cookie should taste like as well as real bacon, pulled turkey, and chili from scratch.  Hope we can keep up with some of the old ways of doing things in the shop.   Hope that I remember how lucky I am to have enjoyed my life in different stages and different paces...

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