Sunday, February 13, 2011

Handbook of Instructions

Yesterday John and I went to the WW Broadcast which was a second instruction on the Handbook.  It was enlightening as they taught that the Handbook is spiritual as well as instructional.  That we can turn to the Handbook for guidance in our families as well as in our church callings.  It is readily available and each member is encouraged to read it - immerse themselves in it.  That is of course the 2nd Book - the first book is only for Bishops and Stake Presidents and up etc.

So I see I need to be more diligent in reading it.  I wish there was a handbook of instructions for being a mom and a wife.  I wish someone could just write down what I am to say at any given circumstance or problem.  I want to tell John who he should date, I want to tell Dave what he should do about his finances, I want to tell Jim and Clorinda where they should move, I want to tell Jim how we should take another chance on building our business... and on and on.  I don't know that I have the right answers and I know that the answers have got to come to them.  Dave was just telling me about President Rau and how he told them in Ward Conference that they needed to develop their relationship with the Lord so that they could confidently receive revelation for their families.  I know that many times I have received revelation and it has been good.  I think the secret is that I do need to ponder and pray and have faith that He will answer my prayers.  I also need to have patience and long suffering so that I can wait long enough to see things come to pass...

It makes me tired just to think about it.  I wonder if Heaven will end up being a place with no problems... a place of peace.  I doubt it - we'll just continue to grow and that means we'll have to make decisions etc.  Perhaps there will be a good handbook there too.

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