Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Day of Rest

I don't know that I have ever looked forward to resting on the Sabbath day like I have this week.  We have been going strong for 6 full days with little time at home and most of the time at the shop.  The time at the shop has been busy with moving and building and all the other things that we had to do to get ready to open.  I just kept thinking that I could take a nap on Sunday.  I slept int til 9:30 am (because we don't have church until 11 am) and then when I came home this afternoon I took a short nap while I waited for a pie to cook in the oven.  It seemed like I had barely dozed off when the timer went off but it was enough to give me a second wind and it felt good.
John came to dinner tonight and it was fun to have hm but I know he is missing his kids and would much rather be with them.  It is a hard adjustment to go from constant direction from a group of children to having too much of your own time on your hands.  I know... I am still adjusting - although I do enjoy being able to call my own shots after so many years of being directed by my children's wants and needs.
I just read Liana's blog about her sister.  It was a darling tribute to her little sister who she loves and misses.  I know that there is something about having a sister or sisters that is amazing.  I have a bond with my sister that still exists although we haven't seen each other in years again.  We can talk on the phone after months of not hearing from each other and it is like we just talked yesterday.  I see that same bond with Laura and Amy.  There is a kinship that is such a blessing. 
the opening of the shop went well yesterday.  We had about 60 or so people come through and they seemed excited about our new place.  I wish I had a little more control over how people decorate but I guess they are renting the space.  I might talk to Marie about how to handle that.  I want to re-decorate three no actually four spaces badly but don't know how to broach it with them.  We'll see what goes and if I get tougher.
Tomorrow is another day of getting ready but I think we'll lighten up a little bit.  People can come through but we can work around that.  We'll try to get our menu together (again).  The guys want wraps and salads that are just the other sandwiches in a different style.  Interesting! 
Well, I think I am off to bed now.  Life is good and I am grateful for the Sabbath.  I read six chapters in the Book of Mormon and several articles in the Ensign.  Grateful for words of the Prophets.

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