Thursday, January 13, 2011


I went to the temple tonight with the YSA from Jim's ward.  I didn't actually do baptisms, nor did I go through a session with any of the single adults but I sat next to Taylor Iono who is married to Abbel for a Spanish session.  It was a surprise to both of us but it was good too.  We had to wear a microphone/translator thing around our neck and earphones and then put on our temple clothes over that.  It made me feel a bit handicapped but at the same time I enjoyed being the one that was in the minority and had to experience what many of these people experience living here in the US who can't speak the language very well.

I picked out some words that were familiar and a zillion that were not.  But I did hear preguntas (ask) and hermanos y hermanas and several others that I haven't thought about in many years but when I heard them I knew what they meant.  It was fun.

After the temple (Jim was helping with baptisms) we went to Jack in the Box for our favorites:  tacoes and Sourdough Jack.  We both feel like neither of the items were what they used to be.  I wonder if it is that they aren't as good or we remember them as better or we are just tired of them.  Who knows and yet when I go to Caspers - it is always as good or to Fisherman's Wharf the shrimp is always as unbelievable.  So who knows.  Coming home the conversation went that direction and we both feel like we need to take a trip to the bay area and hit all of our favorite places:  Dirty Dells for breakfast, Lucas for sandwiches, Caspers, Fisherman's wharf, Hambricks 1/4 Pounder, the Alcapulco (which I know isn't there anymore), Bancheros,  Jack London Square and so on.

So it is time to hit the hay.  Grateful for a good night at the temple.  The spirit was strong and I felt great peace as I was able to just enjoy a beautiful session.  Glad for the opportunity.

3 things:
1.  glad for the temple time I spent today
2.  glad to take the name Aatsji Hooman to the temple - one of Maria Oostveen's names
3.  glad for the ride up and back with Jim and that he shared his pastrami sandwich with me!

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